MMU Leo Club

Will Wright - (He / Him)
Club Advisor
[email protected]

Aven Kelley
Student Leader
[email protected]

Jada Dostal
Student Leader
[email protected]

Kai Arnold
Student Leader
[email protected]

Chloe DeJong
Student Leader
[email protected]

Marlee Anderson
Student Leader
[email protected]

Leo Club is a community service based club, where we find many opportunities throughout the school year and beyond to give back to our community in and out of school. It's a great way to have fun while getting in lots of community service hours! Feel free to contact any of the leaders with any questions!

Recent Events and Fundraisers:

On Saturday, February 10th, MMU participated in the Penguin Plunge for the 10th time. This event raises awareness and funds for Special Olympics Vermont, with a percentage of the money coming back to MMU for our Unified Sports teams.

The MMU Plungers raised $4,120, exceeding our goal and making it into the top ten fundraising teams, thanks to all of the generous donors supporting the students who braved the cold and took the plunge!

Congratulations to everyone who participated!

The Cool Schools Penguin Plunge logo

MMU students running towards the water during the Penguin Plunge
The MMU Plungers emerging from the cold water of Lake Champlain

The Plungers all dried off and smiling in the sunshine!

Michael Abbott - (He / Him)
MMU Activities Director
[email protected] / (802) 858-1774

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