Counseling Program


  • School counselors meet with freshman students to explain student services and how to access our services.
  • Students examine a MMU transcript to learn about graduation requirements, credits, and how to become a sophomore.
  • Students begin to plot their current coursework on a 4 year graduation plan.
  • Counselors explain scheduling process.
  • Counselors meet individually with students to create a 10th grade course schedule
  • Assist students with any transition difficulties.


  • Administer the PLAN (practice test for the ACT) to all 10th graders.
  • Interpret PLAN results with students.
  • Students attend a presentation to learn about the offerings at our local technical centers.
  • Counselors meet in small groups to administer a career interest inventory.
  • Counselors meet individually with students to create an 11th grade course schedule.


  • Administer the PSAT (practice test for the SAT) to juniors who register to take the exam.
  • Host a College Information Night for parents of juniors to provide information regarding the college search process
  • Bus students to Vermont College Fair to visit with over 200 college representatives.
  • Disseminate college information (testing, timeline, etc.) in small groups.
  • Interpret PSAT results and discuss future testing.
  • Encourage students/families to meet with counselors to discuss the college search process.
  • Opportunities for job shadowing and internships made available to students.
  • Counselors meet individually with students to create 12th grade course schedule.
  • In small groups, provide specific information regarding college admission and life after high school.


  • Meet individually with each student to discuss future plans and provide assistance when needed.
  • Write a letter of recommendation for students planning to enter college, if requested.
  • Host a College Information Night for parents of seniors to provide information regarding the college admission process.
  • Host a financial aid seminar sponsored by VSAC (Vermont Student Assistance Corporation)
  • Meet with students, if necessary, to review transcripts and graduation requirements.
  • Keep families informed (through a letter) of any students in danger of not graduating.
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