Enrichment / Leadership Opportunities

HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership) is an organization that promotes youth leadership and sponsors a free weekend training in the spring. Interested 10th graders should see their counselors if they have questions and/or are interested in this opportunity. Each year we select 1 or 2 students to represent MMU through an essay/interview process. Students are selected in early October of each year. Additional information about HOBY Vermont can be found at http://hobyvt.org/wp/

Boys’ State/Girls’ State: American Legion/American Legion Auxiliary sponsored leadership programs. Current juniors are emailed an invitation to apply in late March/early April.  Boy's and Girl's State canceled for 2020

At Boys’ State, rising high school seniors will experience the rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities of franchised citizens.  Delegates will be elected to town, county, and state government positions, and will learn about the many issues facing our state. They will operate their own government, acquiring the knowledge and practical experience that is key to the development of a responsible citizenry. Representatives from Vermont’s Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches and many volunteers from local Vermont community support our work. www.VTlegion.org    Canceled for 2020

American Legion Auxiliary Green Mountain Girls’ State: More than seeing and hearing we learn and remember by doing. That’s one reason ALA Girls State has such an impact. For a whole week young women are actively engaged in “doing” government. The two-party political system is brought to life through setting up and administering city, county and state governments. From campaigning, party rallies, and debating to mock legislative sessions and parliamentary procedures the girls are immersed in experiential learning. The result? Many participants choose a career path involving politics or community service. And all leave with knowledge about their responsibilities as U.S. citizens and memories that will last a lifetime.

https://www.vtalauxiliary.org/girls-state.html     Canceled for 2020

Girls Rock The Capitol - A unique legislative internship and mentoring program for high school girls in grades 10-12. For details, visit girlscoutsgwm.org/Series or call Customer Care at 888-474-9686. No previous Girl Scout experience required. 

Governor's Institute   Governor's Institute will be offering digital institute Immersions for Summer 2020

Make this your best summer yet!
The Governor's Institutes of Vermont (GIV) provides prestigious, fun, accelerated learning residencies for Vermont's young, motivated artists and learners. 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students spend 1-2 weeks immersed in a topic they love, working alongside leading professionals in the field, and making new friends who share their interests - all while experiencing life on a college campus. GIV offers 11 summer Institutes including Arts, Engineering, Mathematics, IT & Digital Media, Environmental Science, Current Issues and more! GIV is dedicated to being accessible for everyone so we have a sliding scale tuition that will make it affordable for you and your family! Learn more at www.giv.org and apply online starting February 1st.

GIV Winter Weekends are 48-hour immersion Institutes jam-packed with extreme learning and fun for all motivated 9-12th graders. Students spend a weekend living on Goddard College's campus in Plainfield, VT and do an in-depth exploration of a topic they're interested in with professional mentors and new friends! Students attending Winter Weekend will try out the intellectual exhilaration of a GIV summer Institute and choose to learn more about something they're already passionate about or try something new! Look for program announcements in November.


Vermont State Colleges offers various programs to high school students at no cost:

CCV Introduction to College & Careers:

A FREE 13-week class at CCV (Community College of VT). Learn how to become a successful college student.  This class is usually offered in the fall and spring. See more opportunities and register at: www.ccv.edu

College Pathways: VSAC's Online Workshops for 2020  

A free college planning event sponsored by the Vermont Student Assistance Corp. (VSAC). Attend workshops on essay writing for college apps, the college admissions process, SAT/ACT strategies, financial aid/scholarships, debt management, and more! Special workshops for parents! Free lunch! Three locations for your convenience: Saint Michael's College , Castleton University, and Johnson State College. Registration and workshop selection begins Jan. 1st on-line at www.vsac.org or call 800-798-8722.

The American Legion's Law & Order Cadet Training Program

For anyone currently in 11th or 12th grade (minimum age of 16yrs). The purpose of this program is to expose young people to all facets of The Criminal Justice System. Held in June at the Vermont Police Academy in Pittsford, VT. Interested students need to contact their nearest American Legion Post for sponsorship.  www.vtlegion.org

The Mountain School

The Mountain School is a semester school program based in Vershire, Vermont. Each semester 45 motivated high school juniors from all over the country come together to live, work and study on our organic farm. Students and faculty build together a semester based on trust and an appreciation of difference, creating an academic and work-based community in which every voice matters. While living with teachers in small houses, students help to make important decisions concerning how we live together. Courses provide a demanding, integrated learning experience that takes advantage of the school's small size and mountain campus. Our curriculum challenges students to think flexibly, speak their minds, and return to their schools equipped for continued academic success. Engagement with the farm and forest sparks an appreciation for their food, their fuel and their labor. Admission is selective and need-based scholarships are available. Check out our website and watch our videos to learn more.

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