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2021-2022 PBGR PDF

Mt. Mansfield Union High School
2021-2022 Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs)

To receive a diploma from Mt. Mansfield Union High School, students must demonstrate proficiency in the following Graduation Areas: Literacy, Mathematical Content and Practices, Scientific Inquiry and Content Knowledge, Global Citizenship, Physical and Health Education, Artistic Expression, and Transferable Skills and fulfill the requirements of the Advisory Program. They demonstrate proficiency in these areas by demonstrating proficiency on each of the Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements that are aligned with the Graduation Areas. While school counselors perform periodic checks of student standing in regards to their performance in meeting the requirements, students are responsible for knowing their own standing and progress toward meeting graduation requirements.

Graduation Area: Literacy

Writing: Produce clear and coherent writing in addressing a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Research: Conduct inquiry-based research that demonstrates critical thinking about the subject and its implications.
Reading: Comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate a wide range of complex literary and informational texts.
Language: Through the writing process, demonstrate control of Standard English, grammar, and usage.
Critical Discourse: Participate effectively in a range of discussions by responding thoughtfully to perse perspectives and expressing ideas clearly and persuasively.

Graduation Area: Mathematical Content and Practices

Modeling: Use mathematics to help make sense of the real world: identify variables, formulate a model describing the relationship between the variables, interpret results, validate and report conclusions, and describe the reasoning behind them.
Number and Quantity: Reason, describe, and analyze quantitatively to solve problems.
Algebra Skills: Interpret, use, and analyze expressions, equations and inequalities.
Geometry: Understand geometric concepts and constructions, prove theorems, and apply appropriate results to solve problems, including right triangle trigonometry.
Statistics: Interpret and apply statistics to analyze data, reach and justify conclusions, and make inferences.
Probability: Interpret and apply probability to analyze data, reach and justify conclusions, and make inferences.

Graduation Area: Scientific Inquiry and Content Knowledge

Cause and Effect: Investigate and predict causal relationships and the scientific mechanisms that drive them.
Scale, Proportion, and Quantity: Apply mathematical relationships with respect to size, time, mass, or energy scales.
Systems and System Models: Define the boundaries and components of a system, and use a clear and appropriate model.
Energy and Matter: Apply thermodynamics and conservation to a system by tracking changes of energy and matter into, out of, and within systems.
Structure and Function: Demonstrate that the structure of an object or living thing determines many of its properties and functions.
Scientific and Engineering Practices: Demonstrate knowledge and application of scientific and engineering practices through the integration of science, technology and/or engineering concepts.

Graduation Area: Global Citizenship

Inquiry: Use inquiry to formulate questions, gather and analyze information, including primary and secondary sources.
History: Apply and demonstrate knowledge of major eras, enduring themes, turning points, and historic influences to analyze and contextualize the forces of continuity and change.
Geography: Analyze the physical, human and environmental geography of Vermont, the United States and various regions of the world to interpret the interdependent relationships and challenges facing human systems in the past, present and future.
Civics, Government and Society: Engage in civil society by understanding how Vermont, the United States, and other national governments function and by exploring how to effectively exercise rights and responsibilities within society.
Economics: Apply economic concepts and processes to understand issues of production, distribution and consumption in the community, Vermont, the United States and the world.
World Cultures: Demonstrate an understanding of similarities and differences among a variety of cultures past and present.

Graduation Area: Physical and Health Education (as defined in 16 V.S.A. §131)

Core Concepts: Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Decision Making and Self Advocacy: Demonstrate decision-making skills and the ability to use self advocacy.
Fitness Concepts: Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of fitness.
Knowledge and Skill: Demonstrate competency in a variety of physical skills and apply strategies to enhance performance.

Graduation Area: Artistic Expression

Artistic Literacy: Understand and demonstrate concepts, terminology, skills, and processes of the artistic disciplines in order to create, perform and express ideas.
Reflection and Critique: Describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate performances and works in the artistic disciplines as they relate to other disciplines and personal experiences.

Graduation Area: Transferrable Skills

Individual Work Habits: Demonstrate an ability to consistently recognize, prepare for, and complete task(s) to an appropriate level.
Collaboration: Participate, contribute and compromise as a member of a team to accomplish a common goal.
Citizenship: Engage with and effectively contribute to a variety of communities.
Presentation: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence to convey effectively a clear and distinct perspective.

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