
Mmusic Department

The marching band in full regalia assembled on the bleachers

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Cabaret event announcement

Click the image above to see photos from last year's Cabarets! And if you'd like to perform on October 18th, be sure to sign up in the Band Hall!

MMUsic Dates 2024-25

If a date changes during the school year, plenty of notice will be given to accommodate any conflicts. The event time will be on the school calendar and e-mail/hard copies will be given out in the department handbooks.

Marching Show (HOMECOMING): Saturday 14th 3:00 PM
Harvest Market Parade: Saturday, 28th (Start at BRMS)

Cabaret Night: Friday, 18th 7:00 PM
Marching Show: Saturday 5th 1:00 PM
Marching Show: Saturday 12th 1:00 PM
Fall Chorus/Strings Concert: Wednesday, 23rd 7:00 PM

String Festival: TBD
Northwest District Auditions: Wednesday, 30th 4:00 pm-8:30 pm

NEMFA Solo/Ensemble Festival Auditions: Saturday, 7th (21st for snow day)
VT-ACDA Madrigal Festival: Friday, December 13th
Winter Chorus Concert: Wednesday 17th, 7:00 PM (Choral groups only)

All State Auditions: TBD
Instrumental Concert: Wednesday, 15th 6:00 PM
Northwest District Music Festival- Thursday, Friday 29th & 30th (To be confirmed soon)

Cabaret: Friday, Feb 7th

New England Music Festival: Thursday-Saturday 13th-15th

Instrumental Concert: April 16th, 7:00 pm
MMUsic Trip-TBD short trip overnight to either NYC, Boston or Montreal for show/s & dinner

Vermont All State Music Festival: Thursday, Friday & Saturday May 8th, 9th & 10th
Spring Chorus Concert: Wed 14, 7:00 pm
Memorial Day Parade: Mon, 26th
Senior Recital: May 28th (may change when they meet beg. of next winter)

Music Final Concert: Wednesday 4th 7:00 PM (may change when they meet beg. of next winter)
Cabaret: Friday, 6th 7:00 PM

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